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HERITAGE Family Study Publications

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Last updated: December 2024

Papers driven by HERITAGE data and/or where HERITAGE data was large part of analysis:

  1. Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Gagnon J. The HERITAGE Family Study: Aims, design, and measurement protocol. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 27:721-729, 1995.

  2. Gagnon J, Province MA, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. The HERITAGE Family Study: Quality assurance and quality control. Annals of Epidemiology 6:520-529, 1996.

  3. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Endurance exercise training has a minimal effect on resting heart rate: The HERITAGE Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 28:829-835, 1996.

  4. Daw EW, Province MA, Gagnon J, Després JP, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. Reproducibility of the HERITAGE Family Study intervention protocol: Drift over time. Annals of Epidemiology 7: 452-462, 1997.

  5. El-Moalem HE, Gagnon J, Province M, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. Race differences in reproducibilities: The HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Human Biology 9:415-424, 1997.

  6. Gagnon J, Ho-Kim MA, Chagnon YC, Pérusse L, Dionne FT, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Absence of linkage between VO2max and its response to training with markers spanning chromosome 22. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29: 1448-1453, 1997.

  7. Pérusse L, Collier G, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Nadeau A, Zimmet PZ and Bouchard C. Acute and chronic effects of exercise on leptin levels in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology 83: 5-10, 1997.

  8. Pérusse L, Rice T, Després JP, Bergeron J, Province MA, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Familial resemblance of plasma lipids, lipoproteins and postheparin lipoprotein and hepatic lipases in the HERITAGE Family Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 17: 3263-3269, 1997.

  9. Rice T, Després JP, Daw EW, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Familial resemblance for abdominal visceral fat: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 21: 1024-1031, 1997.

  10. Rice T, Daw EW, Gagnon J, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao C. Familial resemblance for body composition measures: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 5: 557-562, 1997.

  11. Rice T, Després JP, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Segregation analysis of abdominal visceral fat: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 5: 417-424, 1997.

  12. Rivera MA, Dionne FT, Simoneau JA, Pérusse L, Chagnon M, Chagnon Y, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Muscle-specific creatine kinase gene polymorphism and VO2max in the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29: 1311-1317, 1997.

  13. Wilmore JH, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Gagnon J and Bouchard C. Genetics, response to exercise, and risk factors: The HERITAGE Family Study. In: Simopoulos AP (ed): Nutrition and Fitness: Evolutionary Aspects, Children’s Health, Programs and Policies. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 1997, vol 81, pp 72-83. (Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness, Athens, Greece).

  14. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Domenick MA, Gagnon J, Daw EW, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Reproducibility of anthropometric and body composition measurements: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 21: 297-303, 1997.

  15. Bouchard C, Daw EW, Rice T, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Province MA, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Wilmore JH. Familial resemblance for VO2max in the sedentary state: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 30: 252-258, 1998.

  16. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Turley KR, Gagnon J, Daw EW, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Reproducibility of cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic responses to submaximal exercise: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 30: 259-265, 1998.

  17. Gu C, Borecki IB, Gagnon J, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. Familial resemblance for resting blood pressure with particular reference to racial differences: Preliminary analyses from the HERITAGE Family Study. Human Biology 70: 77-90, 1998.

  18. Rivera MA, Wolfarth B, Dionne FT, Chagnon M, Simoneau JA, Boulay MR, Song TMK, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Keul J and Bouchard C. Three mitochondrial DNA restriction polymorphisms in elite endurance athletes and sedentary controls. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 30: 687-690, 1998.

  19. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Hudspeth LA, Gagnon J, Daw EW, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Alterations in resting metabolic rate as a consequence of 20 wk of endurance training: the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 68: 66-71, 1998.

  20. Hong Y, Rice T, Gagnon J, Després JP, Nadeau A, Pérusse L, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. Familial clustering of insulin and abdominal visceral fat: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 83: 4239-4245, 1998.

  21. Stanforth PR, Ruthven MD, Gagnon J, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Wilmore JH. Accuracy of prediction equations to estimate submaximal VO2 during cycle ergometry: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31: 183-188, 1999.

  22. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Familial aggregation of resting blood pressure and heart rate in a sedentary population: The HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Hypertension 12: 264-270, 1999

  23. Després JP, Gagnon J, Bergeron J, Couillard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Plasma post-heparin lipase activities in the HERITAGE Family Study. The reproducibility, gender differences and associations with lipoprotein levels. Clinical Biochemistry 32: 157-165, 1999.

  24. Rivera MA, Pérusse L, Simoneau JA, Gagnon J, Dionne FT, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Province M, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Linkage between a muscle-specific CK gene marker and VO2max in the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31: 698-701, 1999.

  25. Hong Y, Rice T, Després JP, Gagnon J, Nadeau A, Bergeron J, Pérusse L, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Rao DC. Evidence of a major locus for lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in addition to a pleiotropic locus for both LPL and fasting insulin: results from the HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 144: 393-401, 1999. 

  26. Rivera MA, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Dionne FT, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Sjöström L and Bouchard C. A mitochondrial DNA D-loop polymorphism and obesity in three cohorts of women. International Journal of Obesity 23:666-668, 1999.

  27. Wilmore JH, Després JP, Stanforth PR, Mandel S, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Alterations in body weight and composition consequent to 20 wk of endurance training: the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70:346-352, 1999. 

  28. Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Pérusse L, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Body fat, resting and exercise blood pressure and the angiotensinogen M235T polymorphism: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 7:423-430, 1999. 

  29. Sun G, Gagnon J, Chagnon YC, Pérusse L, Després JP, Leon AS, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS, Borecki I, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Association and linkage between an insulin-like growth factor-1 gene polymorphism and fat free mass in the HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 23:929-935, 1999. 

  30. Bouchard C, An P, Rice T, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Gagnon J, Pérusse L, Leon A and Rao DC. Familial aggregation of VO2max response to exercise training: Results from the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 87(3):1003-1008, 1999. 

  31. Rice T, Hong Y, Pérusse L, Després JP, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Total body fat and abdominal visceral fat response to exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study: Evidence for major locus but no multifactorial effects. Metabolism 48(10):1278-1286, 1999.

  32. Skinner JS, Wilmore KM, Jaskólska A, Jaskólski A, Daw EW, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Reproducibility of maximal exercise test data in the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31(11):1623- 1628, 1999.

  33. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Cross-trait familial resemblance for resting blood pressure and body composition and fat distribution: The HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Human Biology 12(1): 32-41, 2000.

  34. Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Borecki IB, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. The Na,K-ATPase a2 gene and trainability of cardiorespiratory endurance: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 88(1): 346-351, 2000.

  35. Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Chagnon YC, Rice T, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, An P, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Province M and Rao DC. Genomic scan for maximal oxygen uptake and its response to training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 88(2): 551-559, 2000. 

  36. Chagnon YC, Wilmore JH, Borecki IB, Gagnon J, Pérusse L, Chagnon M, Collier GR, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Associations between the leptin receptor gene and adiposity in middle-aged Caucasian males from the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85(1): 29-34, 2000.

  37. Skinner JS, Jaskólski A, Jaskólska A, Wilmore K, Krasnoff J, Gagnon J, Province MA, Leon AS, Rao DC, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Adaptation to a standardized training program and changes in fitness in a large, heterogeneous population: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32(1): 157-161, 2000. 

  38. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Bergeron J, Després JP, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Segregation analysis of apolipoproteins A-1 and B-100 measured before and after an exercise training program: The HERITAGE Family Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 20(3): 807-814, 2000.

  39. Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Chagnon YC, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Angiotensin-converting enzyme ID polymorphism and fitness phenotypes in the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 88(3): 1029-1035, 2000.

  40. Couillard C, Gagnon J, Bergeron J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Després JP, and Bouchard C. Contribution of body fatness and adipose tissue distribution to the age variation in plasma steroid hormone concentrations in men: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85(3): 1026-1031, 2000.

  41. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Hong Y, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. A genetic study of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate measured before and after a 20-week endurance exercise training program: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 49(3): 298-304, 2000.

  42. Hong Y, Després JP, Rice T, Nadeau A, Province MA, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Evidence of pleiotropic loci for fasting insulin, total fat mass, and abdominal visceral fat in a sedentary population: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 8(2): 151-159, 2000.

  43. Pérusse L, Rice T, Province MA, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Familial aggregation of amount and distribution of subcutaneous fat and their responses to exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 8(2):  140-150, 2000.

  44. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Chagnon YC, Bergeron J, Després JP, Province MA, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Linkage and association studies of the lipoprotein lipase gene with post-heparin plasma lipase activities, body fat and plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 49(4):  432-439, 2000.

  45. Leon AS, Rice T, Mandel S, Després JP, Bergeron J, Gagnon J, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Blood lipid response to 20 weeks of supervised exercise in a large biracial population: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 49 (4): 513-520, 2000.

  46. An P, Rice T, Pérusse L, Borecki IB, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Complex segregation analysis of blood pressure and heart rate measured before and after a 20-week endurance exercise training program: The HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Hypertension 13: 488-497, 2000.

  47. Katzmarzyk P, Pérusse L, Rice T, Gagnon J, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Leon AS, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Familial resemblance in coronary heart disease risk: The HERITAGE Family Study.  Ethnicity and Disease 10: 138-47, 2000.

  48. Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Pérusse L, Chagnon YC, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. AGT M235T and ACE ID polymorphisms and exercise blood pressure in the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 279:H368-H374, 2000.

  49. Hong Y, Rice T, Gagnon J, Pérusse L, Province M, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Després JP. Familiality of triglyceride and LPL response to exercise training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32: 1438-1444, 2000.

  50. Després JP, Couillard C, Gagnon J, Bergeron J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Race, visceral adipose tissue, plasma lipids, and lipoprotein lipase activity in men and women. The Health, Risk Factors, Exercise Training, and Genetics (HERITAGE) Family Study.  Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 20; 1932-38, 2000. 

  51. An P, Rice T, Borecki IB, Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Major gene effect on subcutaneous fat distribution in a sedentary population and its response to exercise training: The HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Human Biology 12; 600-609, 2000.

  52. Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Rice T, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Wilmore JH. Reproducibility of resting blood pressure and heart rate measurements: The HERITAGE Family Study. Annals of Epidemiology 10; 271-277, 2000.

  53. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Hong Y, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. A genetic study of sex hormone binding globulin measured before and after a 20-week endurance exercise training program: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 49; 1014-1020, 2000. 

  54. Rankinen T, Rice T, Pérusse L, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. NOS3 Glu298Asp genotype and blood pressure response to endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Hypertension 36:885-889, 2000.

  55. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Rice T, Mandel S, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C. Cardiac output and stroke volume changes with endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:99-106, 2001.

  56. Wilmore JH, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Rice T, Mandel S, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Bouchard C. Heart rate and blood pressure changes with endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:107-116, 2001.

  57. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Rao DC and Wilmore JH. Familial aggregation of stroke volume and cardiac output during submaximal exercise: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 21: 566-572, 2000.

  58. Rivera M, Echegaray M, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Angiogenin gene-race interaction for resting and exercise BP phenotypes: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 1232-1238, 2001.

  59. Skinner JS, Jaskólski A, Jaskólska A, Krasnoff J, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Age, sex, race, initial fitness and response to training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 90:1770-1776, 2001.

  60. Chagnon YC, Rice T, Pérusse L, Borecki IB, Ho-Kim MA, Lacaille M, Pare C, Bouchard L, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Genome scan for genes affecting body composition before and after training in Caucasians from HERITAGE. Journal of Applied Physiology 90:1777-1787, 2001.

  61. Katzmarzyk PT, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Fitness, fatness and estimated coronary heart disease risk: The HERITAGE Family Study.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:585-590, 2001.

  62. Pérusse L, Gagnon J, Province MA, Rao DC, Wilmore JH, Leon AS, Bouchard C and Skinner JS. Familial aggregation of submaximal aerobic performance in the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:597-604, 2001

  63. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. The Trp64Arg polymorphism in the b3-adrenergic receptor gene is not associated with training-induced changes in body composition: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 9: 337-341, 2001.

  64. Ukkola O, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Thompson PA, Hong Y, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C, Age, body mass index, race and other determinants of steroid hormone variability: The HERITAGE Family Study. European Journal of Endocrinology 145: 1-9, 2001.

  65. Katzmarzyk P, Leon AS, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Changes in blood lipids consequent to endurance training related to changes in body fatness and aerobic fitness. Metabolism 50: 841-848, 2001.

  66. Couillard C, Després JP, Lamarche B, Bergeron J, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Effect of endurance exercise training on plasma HDL cholesterol levels depend on the levels of triglycerides. Evidence from men of the Health, Risk Factors, Exercise Training and Genetics (HERITAGE) Family Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 21: 1226 – 1232, 2001.

  67. Rankinen T, An P, Sun G, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Genomic scan for exercise blood pressure in the HERITAGE Family Study. Hypertension 38: 30-37, 2001.

  68. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Hong Y, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Race differences in the pattern of familial aggregation for dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and its responsiveness to training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 50; 916-920, 2001.

  69. Hong Y, Gagnon J, Rice T, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Familial resemblance for free androgens and androgen glucuronides in sedentary Black and White individuals: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Endocrinology 170; 485-492, 2001

  70. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Bergeron J, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Evidence of LPL gene-exercise interaction for body fat and LPL activity: the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 91:1334-40, 2001.

  71. Hong Y, Weisnagel SJ, Rice T, Sun G, Mandel SA, Gu C, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bergman RN, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Familial resemblance for glucose and insulin metabolism indices derived from an intravenous glucose tolerance test in Blacks and Whites of the HERITAGE Family Study. Clinical Genetics 60:22-30, 2001.

  72. Rivera MA, Echegaray M, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. TGFB1 gene-race interactions for resting and exercise blood pressure in the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 91:1808-1813, 2001.

  73. Gaskill S, Rice T, Bouchard C, Gagnon J, Rao DC, Skinner J, Wilmore J and Leon AS. Familial resemblance in ventilatory threshold: the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:1832-1840, 2001.

  74. An P, Rice T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Rankinen T, Gu C, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Population differences in the pattern of familial aggregation for sex hormone binding globulin and its response to exercise training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Am J Hum Biol 13:832-837, 2001.

  75. An P, Rosmond R, Borecki IB, Ukkola O, Rice T, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Genome-wide linkage scan to detect loci influencing levels of dehydroepiandrosterones in the HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 50: 1315-1322, 2001.

  76. Wilmore JH, Green JS, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C. Relationship of changes in maximal and submaximal aerobic fitness to changes in cardiovascular disease and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus risk factors with endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study.  Metabolism 50: 1255-63, 2001

  77. Gaskill SE, Walker AJ, Serfass RA, Bouchard C, Gagnon J, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Leon AS. Changes in ventilatory threshold with exercise training in a sedentary population: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 22: 586-592, 2001.

  78. Bergeron J, Couillard C, Després JP, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C. Race differences in the response of postheparin plasma lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities to endurance exercise training in men. Results from the HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 159:399-406, 2001.

  79. Leon AS, Gaskill SE, Rice T, Bergeron J, Gagnon J, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Variability in the response of HDL cholesterol to exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 23:1-9, 2002.

  80. Green JS, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Rankinen T and Wilmore JH. Menopause, estrogen, and training effects on exercise hemodynamics:  The HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34:74-82, 2002.

  81. Lanouette C-M, Chagnon YC, Rice T, Pérusse L, Muzzin P, Giacobino JP, Gagnon J, Wilmore JH, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Uncoupling protein 3 gene is associated with body composition changes with training in HERITAGE study. Journal of Applied Physiology 92:1111-1118, 2002.

  82. Tanaka S, Togashi K, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C. Is adiposity at normal body weight relevant for cardiovascular disease risk? International Journal of Obesity 26:176-183, 2002

  83. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Chagnon YC, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. The hormone-sensitive lipase gene and body composition: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 26:220-227, 2002.

  84. Rice T, Chagnon YC, Pérusse L, Borecki IB, Ukkola O, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. A genome-wide linkage scan for abdominal subcutaneous and visceral fat in black and white families: the HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes 51:848-855, 2002

  85. Rankinen T, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. G protein b3 polymorphism and hemodynamic and body composition phenotypes in the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 8:151-157, 2002

  86. Feitosa MF, Rice T, Rosmond R, Borecki IB, An P, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. A genetic study of cortisol measured before and after endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 51: 360-365, 2002

  87. Rice T, Despres JP, Pérusse L, Hong Y, Province MA, Bergeron J, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Familial aggregation of blood lipid response to exercise training in the health, risk factors, exercise training and genetics (HERITAGE) Family Study. Circulation 105:1904-1908, 2002.

  88. Rice T, Chagnon YC, Borecki IB, Pérusse L, Collier G, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Familial resemblance for plasma leptin: sample homogeneity across adiposity and ethnic groups. Obesity Research 10:351-360, 2002.

  89. Jackson AS, Stanforth PR, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Wilmore JH. The effect of sex, age, and race on estimating percent body fat from body mass index: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 26:789-796, 2002.

  90. Rice T, An P, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Heritability of HR and BP response to endurance exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34;972-979, 2002.

  91. Rice T, Rankinen T, Chagnon YC, Province MA, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Genomewide linkage scan for resting blood pressure: the HERITAGE Family Study. Hypertension 39:1037-1043, 2002.

  92. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Chagnon YC, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. The alpha2 –adrenergic receptor gene and body fat content and distribution: The HERITAGE Family Study. Molecular Medicine 8: 88-94, 2002.

  93. Ukkola O, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JF, Rao DC, Bouchard C. A genome-wide linkage scan for steroids and SHBG levels in Black and White families: The HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87: 3708-3720, 2002.

  94. Rankinen T, An P, Pérusse L, Rice T, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Genome-wide linkage scan for exercise stroke volume and cardiac output in the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 10; 57-62, 2002.

  95. Ukkola O, Ravussin E, Jacobson P, Pérusse L, Rankinen T, Tschöp M, Heiman ML, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Sjöstrom L and Bouchard C. Role of ghrelin polymorphisms in obesity based on three different studies. Obesity Research 10; 782-791, 2002.

  96. Feitosa MF, Gaskill SE, Rice T, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Rao DC, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS, Leon AS. Major gene effects on exercise ventilatory threshold: the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Applied Physiology 93;1000-1006, 2002. 

  97. Argyropoulos G, Rankinen T, Neufeld DR, Rice T, Province MA, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. A polymorphism in the human agouti-related protein is associated with late-onset obesity. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87;4198-4202, 2002.

  98. Jacobson P, Ukkola O, Rankinen T, Snyder EE, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Lonn L, Cowan Jr GS, Sjostrom L, Bouchard C. Melanocortin 4 receptor sequence variations are seldom a cause of human obesity: The Swedish Obese Subjects, the HERITAGE Family Study and a Memphis Cohort. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87:4442-4446, 2002.

  99. Feitosa MF, Rice T, Rosmond R, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Pleiotropic relationships between cortisol levels and adiposity: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 10:1222-1231, 2002.

  100. Feitosa MF, Borecki I, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Lack of pleiotropic effects between adiposity and sex hormone-binding globulin levels before and after 20 weeks of exercise training: the HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 52:35-41, 2003.

  101. An P, Pérusse L, Rankinen T, Borecki IB, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JH, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Familial aggregation of exercise heart rate and blood pressure in response to 20 weeks of endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 24:57-62, 2003

  102. Argyropoulos G, Rankinen T, Bai F, Rice T, Province MA, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. The Agouti Related Protein and Body Fatness in Humans. International Journal of Obesity 27:276-280, 2003

  103. An P, Hong Y, Weisnagel JS, Rice T, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Chagnon YC, Bergman RN, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Genomic scan of glucose and insulin metabolism phenotypes: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 52:246-53, 2003.

  104. Ukkola O, Rankinen T, Rice T, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Interactions among the b2- and b3-adrenergic receptor genes and total body fat and abdominal fat level in the HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 27:389-393, 2003.

  105. Garenc C, Pérusse L, Chagnon YC, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Borecki IB, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Effects of beta-2-adrenergic receptor gene variants on adiposity: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity Research 11:612-618, 2003.

  106. Lakka TA, Rankinen T, Weisnagel SJ, Chagnon YC, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. A Quantitative Trait Locus on 7q31 for the Changes in Plasma Insulin in Response to Exercise Training: the HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes 52:1583-1587, 2003.

  107. Simonen RL, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. A dopamine D2 receptor gene polymorphism and physical activity in two family studies. Physiology and Behavior 78:751-757, 2003.

  108. Rico-Sanz J, Rankinen T, Joanisse D, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Associations between cardiorespiratory responses to exercise and the C34T AMPD1 gene polymorphism in the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 14:161-166, 2003.

  109. Rankinen T, Rice T, Boudreau A, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C.  Titin is a candidate gene for stroke volume response to endurance training:  the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 15;27-33, 2003.

  110. Rico-Sanz J, Rankinen T, Joanisse D, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Familial resemblance of muscle phenotypes in the sedentary state and their responses to training: the HERITAGE Family Study.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35:1360-1366, 2003.

  111. An P, Borecki IB, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Evidence of major genes for exercise heart rate and blood pressure at baseline and in response to 20 weeks of endurance training: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 24;492-498, 2003.

  112. Katzmarzyk PT, Leon AS, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Rankinen T and Bouchard C. Targeting the metabolic syndrome with exercise: Evidence from the HERITAGE Family Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35;1703-1709, 2003.

  113. Skinner JS, Gaskill SE, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Heart rate vs. VO2 max:  Age, Sex, Race, Initial Fitness and Training Response- HERITAGE.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35:1908-1913, 2003.

  114. Couillard C, Bergeron J, Després JP, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Apolipoprotein AI and AI:AII containing lipoproteins in white men and women of the HERITAGE Family Study: Associations with metabolic risk profile variables. Metabolism 52:1530-1536, 2003.

  115. Desmeules A, Couillard C, Tchernof A, Bergeron J, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Després J-P and Bouchard C. Post-heparin lipolytic enzyme activities, sex hormones and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in men and women: the HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 171:343-350, 2003.

  116. Loos R, Katzmarzyk P, Rao DC, Rice T, Leon AS, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS, Rankinen T, Bouchard C.  Genome-wide linkage scan for metabolic syndrome in the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 88:5935-5943, 2003.

  117. Leon AS, Togashi K, Rankinen T, Despres JP, Rao DC, Skinner J, Wilmore J and Bouchard C. Association of apolipoprotein E polymorphism with blood lipids and maximal oxygen uptake in the sedentary state and after exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 53:108-116, 2004.

  118. Rico-Sanz J, Rankinen T, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Quantitative trait loci for maximal exercise capacity phenotypes and their responses to training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 16;256-260, 2004.

  119. Tanaka S, Togashi K, Rankinen T, Pérusse L, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Despres JP, Bouchard C. Sex differences in the relationships of abdominal fat to cardiovascular disease risk among normal-weight white subjects. International Journal of Obesity 28;320-323, 2004.

  120. Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Ross R, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Wilmore JH, Rankinen T and Bouchard C. Fitness alters the association of BMI and waist circumference with total and abdominal fat. Obesity Research 12;525-537, 2004.

  121. Collaku A, Rankinen T, Rice T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH and Bouchard C. Genome-wide linkage scan for dietary energy and energy nutrient intakes: The Health, Risk Factors, Exercise Training, and Genetics (HERITAGE) Family Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 79:881-886, 2004.

  122. Sklan EH, Lowenthal A, Korner M, Ritov Y, Landers DM, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rice T, Rao DC, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS and Soreq H.  Acetylcholinesterase/paraoxonase genotype and expression predict anxiety scores in Health, Risk Factors, Exercise Training, and Genetics Study. Proc Natl Acad Sci 101:5512-5517, 2004.

  123. Lakka TA, Rankinen T, Weisnagel SJ, Chagnon YC, Lakka HM, Ukkola O, Boule N, Rice T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bergman R, Bouchard C. Leptin and leptin receptor gene polymorphisms and changes in glucose homeostasis in response to regular exercise in nondiabetic individuals: The HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes 53:1603-1608, 2004.

  124. Stanforth P, Jackson AS, Green JS, Gagnon J, Rankinen T, Despres J-P, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Wilmore JH. Generalized abdominal visceral fat prediction models for black and white adults aged 17-65 y: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity 28:925-932, 2004.

  125. Loos RJF, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC and Bouchard C. Calcium intake is associated with adiposity in black and white men and white women of the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Nutrition 134:1772-1778, 2004.

  126. Green JS, Stanforth PR, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Wilmore JH. The effects of exercise training on abdominal visceral fat, body composition, and indicators of the metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women with and without estrogen replacement therapy: The HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism 53:1192-1196, 2004.

  127. Ardern CI, Katzmarzyk PT, Janssen I, Leon AS, Wilmore JH, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Rankinen T, Despres JP, Rankinen T, Bouchard C. Race and sex similarities in exercise-induced changes in blood lipids and fatness. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 36:1610-1615, 2004.

  128. Boulé NG, Weisnagel SJ, Lakka TA, Tremblay A, Bergman RN, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Effects of exercise training on glucose homeostasis: The HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes Care 28:108-114, 2005.

  129. Feitosa MF, Borecki IB, Rankinen T, Rice T, Despres JP, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Province MA, Rao DC. Evidence of QTLs on chromosomes 1q42 and 8q24 for LDL-cholesterol and apoB levels in the HERITAGE Family Study. Journal of Lipid Research 46:281-286, 2005

  130. Feitosa MF, Rice T, Rankinen T, Almasy L, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Common genetic and environmental effects on lipid phenotypes: The HERITAGE Family Study. Human Heredity 59:34-40, 2005.

  131. Teran-Garcia M, Rankinen T, Koza RA, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Endurance training –induced changes in insulin sensitivity and gene expression. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism 288:E1168-78, 2005.

  132. Ukkola O, Rankinen T, Lakka T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Kesaniemi YA, Bouchard C. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B variant associated with fat distribution and insulin metabolism. Obesity Research 13:829-834, 2005.

  133. Ukkola O, Santaniemi M, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rao DC, Bergman R, Kesaniemi YA, Bouchard C. Adiponectin polymorphisms, adiposity and insulin metabolism: HERITAGE Family Study and Oulu Diabetic Study. Annals of Medicine 37:141-150, 2005.

  134. An P, Teran-Garcia M, Rice T, Rankinen T, Weisnagel SJ, Bergman RN, Boston RC, Mandel S, Stefanovski D, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Genome-wide linkage scans for prediabetes phenotypes in response to 20 weeks of endurance exercise training in non-diabetic Whites and Blacks: The HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetologia 48:1142-1149, 2005.

  135. Teran-Garcia M, Santoro N, Rankinen T, Bergeron J, Rice T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bergman RN, Despres JP, Bouchard C. Hepatic lipase gene variant –514C>T is associated with lipoprotein and insulin sensitivity response to regular exercise: the HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes 54;2251-2255, 2005.

  136. An P, Borecki IB, Rankinen T, Despres JP, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Evidence of major genes for plasma HDL, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels at baseline and in response to 20 weeks of endurance training: the HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 26;414-419, 2005 

  137. Feitosa MF, Rice T, Rankinen T, Province MA, Chagnon YC, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Despres JP, Bouchard C, Rao DC, Borecki IB. Evidence of QTLs on chromosomes 13q and 14q for triglycerides before and after 20 weeks of exercise training: The HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 182;349-360, 2005.

  138. Lakka TA, Lakka HM, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C. Effect of exercise training on plasma levels of C-reactive protein in healthy adults: the HERITAGE Family Study. European Heart Journal 26;2018-2025, 2005.

  139. Loos RJF, Rankinen T, Rice T, Rao DC, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Argyropoulos G, Bouchard C. Two ethnic-specific polymorphisms in the Agouti-Related protein gene are associated with food intake in Whites and Blacks in the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 82:1097-1101, 2005

  140. An P, Rice T, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Genome-wide scan to identify quantitative trait loci for baseline resting heart rate and its response to endurance exercise training: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 27:31-6, 2006

  141. Rice T, Cooper RS, Wu X, Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Rao DC, Jaquish CE, Fabsitz RR, Province MA. Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Scans for Blood Pressure in African American and Nigerian Samples The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute GeneLink Project. Am J Hypertens. 19:270-4, 2006.

  142. Feitosa MF, Rice T, North KE, Kraja A, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Blangero J, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Pleiotropic QTL on chromosome 19q13 for triglycerides and adiposity: the HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 185:426-432, 2006.

  143. Lakka HM, Lakka TA, Rankinen T, Rice T, Rao DC, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Bouchard C. TNF-alpha G-308A polymorphism is associated with plasma C-reactive protein levels: the HERITAGE Family Study. Vascul Pharmacol 44:377-383, 2006.

  144. Okura T, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, Lussier-Cacan S, Davignon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Bouchard C. Effect of regular exercise on plasma homocysteine concentrations: the HERITAGE Family Study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 98:394-401, 2006.

  145. Lakka TA, Rankinen T, Rice T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C. Quantitative trait locus on chromosome 20q13 for plasma levels of C-reactive protein in healthy whites: the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 27:103-107, 2006

  146. Turley KR, Spears FM, Stanforth PR, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS and Wilmore JH. Scaling submaximal exercise cardiac output and stroke volume: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Sports Medicine 27:993-999, 2006.

  147. Feitosa MF, Rice T, Borecki IB, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Després J-P, Blangero J, Bouchard C and Rao DC. Pleiotropic QTL on 12q23-q24 influences triglyceride and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels: the HERITAGE Family Study. Human Biology 78:317-327, 2006.

  148. Blanche D, Lussier-Cacan S, Gagnon J, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Wilmore JH, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Davignon J. Effect of exercise training on in vitro LDL oxidation and free radical-induced hemolysis: The HERITAGE Family Study. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 9:123-130, 2007.

  149. Hautala AJ, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta polymorphisms are associated with physical performance and plasma lipids: the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 292:H2498-H2505, 2007.

  150. Teran-Garcia M, Rankinen T, Rice T, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C. Variations in the four and a half LIM domain 1 gene (FHL1) are associated with fasting insulin and insulin sensitivity responses to regular exercise. Diabetologia 50:1858-66, 2007.

  151. Spielmann N, Leon AS, Rao DC, Rice T, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. CETP genotypes and HDL-cholesterol phenotypes in the HERITAGE Family Study. Physiological Genomics 31:25-31, 2007.

  152. Rankinen T, Church T, Rice T, Markward N, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Blair SN and Bouchard C. Effect of endothelin 1 genotype on blood pressure is dependent on physical activity and fitness levels. Hypertension 50:1120—1125, 2007.

  153. Spielmann N, Leon AS, Rao DC, Rice T, Skinner JS, Rankinen T, Bouchard C. Genome-wide linkage scan for submaximal exercise heart rate in the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Physiology Heart Circ Physiology 293:3366-3371, 2007.

  154. Argyropoulos G, Stütz AM, Ilnytska O, Rice T, Teran-Garcia M, Rao DC, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. KIF5B gene sequence variation and response of cardiac stroke volume to regular exercise. Physiological Genomics 36:79-88, 2009.

  155. Stütz A, Teran-Garcia M, Rao DC, Rice T, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. Functional identification of the promoter of SLC4A5, a gene associated with cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes in the HERITAGE Family Study. European Journal of Human Genetics 17:1481-1489, 2009.

  156. Rankinen T, Rice T, Teran-Garcia M, Rao DC, Bouchard C. FTO genotype is associated with exercise-induced changes in body composition: the HERITAGE Family Study. Obesity 18:322-326, 2010. 

  157. Ruchat SM, Rankinen T, Weisnagel SJ, Rice T, Rao DC, Bergman RN, Bouchard C, Pérusse L. Improvements in glucose homeostasis in response to regular exercise are influenced by PPARG Pro12Ala variant: Results from the HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetologia 53:679-689, 2010.

  158. Timmons JA, Knudsen S, Rankinen T, Koch LG, Sarzynski M, Jensen T, Keller P, Scheele C, Vollaard NBJ, Nielsen S, Åkerström T, MacDougald OA, Jansson E, Greenhaff PL, Tarnopolsky MA, van Loon LJC, Pedersen BK, Sundberg CJ, Wahlestedt C, Britton SL, Bouchard C. Using molecular classification to predict gains in maximal aerobic capacity following endurance exercise training in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology 108:1487-1496, 2010

  159. Rankinen T, Argyropoulos G, Rice T, Rao DC, Bouchard C. CREB1 is a strong genetic predictor of the variation in exercise heart rate response to regular exercise: the HERITAGE Family Study. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 3:294-299, 2010

  160. Keller P, Vollaard NBJ, Gustafsson T, Gallagher IJ, Sundberg CJ, Rankinen T, Britton SL, Bouchard C, Koch LG Timmons JA. A transcriptional map of the impact of endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle phenotype. Journal of Applied Physiology 110:46-59, 2011.

  161. Krishnapuram R, Dhurandhar EJ, Dubuisson O, Kirk-Ballard H, Bajpeyi S, Butte N, Sothern MS, Larsen-Meyer E, Chalew S, Bennett B, Gupta AK, Greenway FL, Johnson W, Brashear M, Reinhart G, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Cefalu WT, Ye J, Javier R, Zuberi A, Dhurandhar NV. Template to Improve Glycemic Control without Reducing Adiposity or Dietary Fat. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism 300:E779-89, 2011

  162. Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Rice T, Kraus W, Church T, Sung YJ, Rao DC, Rankinen T. Genomic predictors of maximal oxygen uptake response to standardized exercise training programs. Journal of Applied Physiology 110:1160-1170, 2011

  163. Sung YJ, Wang L, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Rao DC. Performance of genotype imputations using data from the 1000 genomes project. Human Heredity 73:18-25, 2012.

  164. Rankinen T, Sung YJ, Sarzynski M, Rao DC, Bouchard C. The heritability of submaximal exercise heart rate response to exercise training is accounted for by nine SNPs. Journal of Applied Physiology 112:892-897, 2012.

  165. Bouchard C, Blair SN, Church TS, Earnest CP, Hagberg JM, Häkkinen K, Jenkins NT,  Karavirta L, Kraus WE, Leon AS, Rao DC, Sarzynski MA, Skinner JS, Slentz C, Rankinen T. Adverse metabolic response to regular exercise: Is it a rare or common occurrence? PLoS ONE 7(5): e37887.

  166. Rice TK, Sarzynski MA, Sung YJ, Argyropoulos G, Stütz AM, Teran-Garcia M, Rao DC, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. Fine mapping of a QTL on chromosome 13 for submaximal exercise capacity training response: the HERITAGE Family Study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 112:2969-2978, 2012.

  167. Phillips BE, Williams JP, Gustafsson T, Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Knudsen S, Smith K, Timmons JA, Atherton PJ. Molecular networks of human muscle adaptation to exercise and age. PLoS Genetics 9:e1003389, 2013

  168. Sarzynski MA, Rankinen T, Earnest C, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JM, Bouchard C. Measured maximal heart rates compared to commonly used age-based prediction equations in the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Human Biology 25:695-701, 2013

  169. Ghosh S, Vivar JC, Sarzynski MA, Sung YJ, Timmons JA, Bouchard C, Rankinen T. Integrative Pathway Analysis of a Genome-Wide Association Study of VO2max Response to Exercise Training. Journal of Applied Physiology 115:1343-1359, 2013

  170. Roberts LD, Boström P, O’Sullivan JF, Schinzel RT, Lewis GD, Dejam A, Lee Y-K, Palma MJ, Calhoun S, Georgiadi A, Chen M-H, Ramachandran VS, Larson MG, Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Souza AL, Clish CB, Wang TJ, Estall JL, Soukas AA, Cowan CA, Spiegelman BM, Gerszten RE. Beta-Aminoisobutyric acid induces browning of white fat and hepatic beta-oxidation and is inversely correlated with cardiometabolic risk factors. Cell Metabolism 19:96-108, 2014

  171. Hanin G, Shenhar-Tsarfaty S, Yayon N, Yau YH, Bennett ER, Sklan EH, Rao DC, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Geifman-Shochat S, Shifman S, Greenberg DS, Soreq H. Competing targets of microRNA-608 affect anxiety and hypertension. Human Molecular Genetics 23:4569-4580, 2014.

  172. Sarzynski MA, Burton J, Rankinen T, Mikus CR, Church TS, Després JP, Hagberg JM, Slentz CA, Wilund KR, Kraus WE, Bouchard C. The effects of exercise on the lipoprotein subclass profile: a meta-analysis of 10 interventions. Atherosclerosis 243:364-72, 2015.

  173. Sarzynski, MA, Davidsen PK, Sung YJ, Hesselink MK, Schrauwen P, Rice TK, Rao DC, Falciani F, Bouchard C. Genomic and transcriptomic predictors of triglyceride response to regular exercise. Br J Sports Med 49:1524-31, 2015.

  174. Sung YJ, Pérusse L, Sarzynski M, Fornage M, Sidney S, Sternfeld B, Rice T, Terry J, Jacobs D, Katzmarzyk P, Curran J, Carr J, Blangero J, Ghosh S, Després JP, Rankinen T, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Genome-wide association studies suggest sex-specific loci associated with abdominal and visceral fat. Int J Obes 40:662-74, 2016

  175. Ghoshal S, Stevens JR, Billon C, Girdardet C, Sitaula S, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Nuñez MV, Stanhope KL, Howatt DA, Daugherty A, Zhang J, Shuelke M, Weiss EP, Coffey AR, Bennett BJ, Sethupathy P, Burris TP, Havel PJ, Butler AA. Adropin: an endocrine link between the biological clock and cholesterol homeostasis. Mol Metab 8;51-64, 2018

  176. Clarke K, Ricciardi S, Pearson T, Bharudin I, Davidsen PK, Bonomo M, Brina D, Scagliola A, Simpson DM, Beynon RJ, Khanim F, Ankers J, Sarzynski MA, Ghosh S, Pisconti A, Rozman J, Hrabe de Angelis M, Bunce C, Stewart C, Egginton S, Caddick M, Jackson M, Bouchard C, Biffo S, Falciani F. The Role of Eif6 in Skeletal Muscle Homeostasis Revealed by Endurance Training Co-expression Networks. Cell Rep. 21:1507-1520, 2017.

  177. He Z, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Tchernof A, Bouchard C. Plasma steroids, body composition and fat distribution: effects of age, sex, ancestry and exercise training. Int J Obes 42:1366-1377, 2018.

  178. He Z, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Tchernof A, Bouchard C. Plasma steroids are not associated with resting and exercise blood pressure. Int J Sports Med 39:967-71, 2018.

  179. Silbernagel G, Scharnagl H, Kleber ME, Delgado G, Stojakovic T, Laaksonen R, Erdmann J, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Landmesser U, Schunkert H, März W, Grammer TB. LDL Triglycerides, Hepatic Lipase Activity, and Coronary Artery Disease: An Epidemiologic and Mendelian Randomization Study. Atherosclerosis 282:37-44, 2019.

  180. Barber JL, Kraus WE, Church TS, Hagberg JM, Thompson PD, Bartlett DB, Beets MW, Earnest CP, Huffman KM, Landers-Ramos RQ, Leon AS, Rao DC, Seip RL, Skinner JS, Slentz CA, Wilund KR, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA. Effects of regular endurance exercise on GlycA: Combined analysis of 14 exercise interventions. Atherosclerosis. 277:1-6, 2018.

  181. Ghosh S, Hota M, Chai X, Kiranya J, Ghosh P, He Z, Ruiz-Ramie JJ, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C. Exploring the underlying biology of intrinsic cardiorespiratory fitness through integrative analysis of genomic variants and muscle gene expression profiling. J Appl Physiol 126;1292-1314, 2019.

  182. He Z, Rankinen T, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Tchernof A, Bouchard C. Plasma steroids and cardiorespiratory fitness response to regular exercise. In: Spiegelman B (ed.). Hormones, Metabolism and the Benefits of Exercise. Springer 2018, 25-42

  183. Robbins JM, Herzig M, Morningstar J, Sarzynski MA, Cruz DE, Wang TJ, Gao Y, Wilson JG, Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Gerszten RE. Association of dimethylguanidino valeric acid with partial resistance to metabolic health benefits of regular exercise. JAMA Cardiology 2019; 4;636-643.

  184. Barber JL, Zellars KN, Barringhaus KG, Bouchard C, Spinale FG, Sarzynski MA. The effects of regular exercise on circulating cardiovascular-related microRNAs. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):7527. PMID: 31101833

  185. Williams SA, Kivimaki M, Langenberg C, Hingorani AD, Casas JP, Bouchard C, Jonasson C, Sarzynski MA, Shipley MJ, Alexander L, Ash J, Bauer T, Chadwick J, Datta G, DeLisle RK, Hagar Y, Hinterberg M, Ostroff R, Weiss S, Ganz P, Wareham NJ. Plasma protein patterns as comprehensive indicators of health. Nat Med. 2019;25:1851-1857. PMID: 31792462. PMCID: PMC6922049

  186. Vellers HL, Verhein KC, Burkholder AB, Lee J, Kim Y, Lightfoot JT, Shi M, Weinberg CR, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Kleeberger SR. Association between Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variants and VO2max Trainability. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2020;52(11): 2303-2309. PMID: 33064405.

  187. Ferri Marini C, Sisti D, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Rocchi MBL, Piccoli G, Stocchi V, Federici A, Lucertini F. HRR and VO2R fractions Are Not Equivalent: Is It time to Rethink Aerobic Exercise Prescription Methods? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2021;53(1):174-182. PMID: 32694364.

  188. Robbins JM, Peterson B, Schranner D, Tahir U, Rienmuller T, Keyes M, Katz D, Baumgartner C, Jean Beltran PM, Carr SA, Ghosh S, Barber JL, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Gerszten RE. Plasma proteomic profiles of cardiorespiratory fitness. Nature Metabolism 2021; 3(6): 786-797. PMID: 34045743

  189. Takeshita L, Davidsen PL, Herbert JM, Antczak P, Hesselink MKC, Schrauwen P, Rice TK, Weisnagel SJ, Bergman RN, Rao DC, Robbins JM, Gerszten RE, Ghosh S, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Falciani F. Genomics and transcriptomics landscapes associated to changes in insulin sensitivity in response to endurance exercise. Scientific Reports 2021; 11: 23314. PMID: 34857871. PMCID: PMC8639975

  190. Barber JL, Ruiz-Ramie JJ, Robbins JM, Gerszten RE, Leon AS, Rao DC, Skinner JS, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA. Regular exercise and patterns of response across multiple cardiometabolic traits: The heritage family study. Br J Sports Med. 2022; 56: 95-100. PMID: 33619128.

  191. Sarzynski MA, Rice T, Perusse L, Tremblay A, Stanforth PR, Tchernof A, Barber JL, Robbins JM, Ghosh S, Gerszten RE, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Rao DC, Bouchard C. The HERITAGE Family Study: A Review of the Effects of Exercise on Cardiometabolic Health. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022; 54: S1-S43. PMID: 35611651, PMCID: PMC9012529

  192. Marini CF, Sisti D, Leon AS, Skinner JS, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Rocchi MB, Piccoli G, Stocchi V, Federici A, Lucertini F. Accounting for individual characteristics makes the %HRR-%V̇O₂R relationship neither 1:1 nor more accurate. European J Sports Sci 2022. PMID: 35960537 DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2113441

  193. Cronje HT, Mi MY, Austin TR, Biggs ML, Siscovick D, Lemaitre R, Psaty BM, Tracy R, Djousee L, Kizer J, Ix JH, Sotoodehnia N, Rao P, Robbins JM, Barber JL, Sarzynski MA, Clish C, Bouchard C, Mukamak KJ, Gerszten RE, Jensen MK. Plasma proteomic determinants of glucose-insulin homeostasis and incident type 2 diabetes: Insights from the Cardiovascular Health Study and HERITAGE Family Study. Diabetes 2023; Feb 7;db220628. PMID: 36749929 PMC10130486 doi: 10.2337/db22-0628.

  194. Robbins JM, Rao P, Deng S, Keyes M, Tahir U, Katz D, Beltran P, Marchildon F, Barber JL, Peterson B, Gao Y, Correa A, Wilson J, Smith JG, Cohen P, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Gerszten RE. Plasma proteomic changes in response to exercise training are associated with cardiorespiratory fitness adaptations. JCI Insight 2023; 8(7):e165867. PMID: 37036009 PMCID: PMC10132160

  195. Mi M, Barber JL, Rao P, Farrell LA, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, Robbins JM, Gerszten RE. Plasma Proteomic Kinetics in Response to Acute Exercise. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2023; 22: 100601. DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2023.100601.

  196. ​Hota M*, Barber JL, Ruiz-Ramie JJ, Schwartz CS, Lam H, Robbins JM, Gerszten RE, Sarzynski MA#, Bouchard C#, Ghosh S#. A bioinformatics exploration of the biology of intrinsic submaximal working capacity and its trainability. Physiological Genomics 2023; 55(11): 517-543.

  197. Hoffman WG, Chen YQ, Schwartz CS, Barber JL, Dev PK, Reasons RJ, Miranda Maravi JS, Armstrong B, Gerszten RE, Silbernagel G, Konrad RJ, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA. Effects of Exercise Training on ANGPTL3/8 and ANGPTL4/8 and their Associations with Lipid and Cardiometabolic Traits. J of Lipid Research 2024; 65(2): 100495. PMID: 38160757. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlr.2023.100495.

  198. Miranda Maravi JS*, Leszczynski EC*, Schwartz CS, Dev PK, Barber JL, Reasons RJ, Pearce RW, McPhaul MJ, Konrad RJ, Robbins JM, Gerszten RE, Collier TS, Bouchard C, Rohatgi A, Sarzynski MA. Associations of an HDL Apolipoproteomic Index with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Before and After Exercise Training in the HERITAGE Family Study. Atherosclerosis 2024; 17:395:117587. PMID: 38823353 DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.117587

  199. Perry AS*, Farber-Eger E*, Gonzales T*, Tanaka T*, Robbins JM*, Murthy VL, Stolze LK, Zhao S, Colangelo L, Deng S, Hou L, Lloyd-Jones DM, Walker K, Ferrucci L, Watts EL, Barber JL, Rao P, Mi M, Gabriel KP, Hornikel B, Sidney S, Houstis N, Lewis GD, Liu GY, Thyagarajan B, Khan S, Washko G, Kalhan R, Wareham N, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Gerszten RE#, Brage S#, Wells Q#, Nayor M#, Shah RV#. Proteomic analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness for prediction of mortality and multi-system disease risks. Nature Medicine 2024; 30(6): 1711-1721. *equal first #equal senior authorship PMID: 38834850 PMCID: PMC11186767 DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-03039-x.

  200. Rao P, Keyes MJ, Mi MY, Barber JL, Tahir UA, Deng S, Clish CB, Shen D, Farrell LA,
    Wilson JG, Gao Y, Yimer WK, Ekunwe L, Hall ME, Munter PM, Rotter JI, Guo X, Taylor KD,
    Rich SS, Tracy RP, Xanthakis V, Vasan RS, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA*, Gerszten RE*,
    Robbins JM*. Plasma Proteomics of Exercise Blood Pressure and Incident Hypertension. JAMA Cardiology 2024; 9(8): 713-722. *equal senior authorship. PMID: 39141066 DOI: 10.1001/jamacardio.2024.232

Papers where HERITAGE contributed to large consortia, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) consortia:

  1. Heid IM, et al. Meta-analysis of the INSIG2 association with obesity including 74,345 individuals: Does heterogeneity of estimates relate to study design? Plos Genetics 5(10):e1000694, 2009.

  2. Manning AK et al. A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance. Nat Genet 2012; 44(6): 659-669

  3. Hoed M den, et al. Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders. Nature Genetics 45:621-31, 2013

  4. Sung YJ, Schwander K, Arnett DK, Kardia SLR, Rankinen T, Bouchard C, Boerwinkle E, Hunt SC, Rao DC. An empirical comparison of meta-analysis and mega-analysis of individual participant data for identifying gene-environment interactions. Genetic Epidemiology 38:369-378, 2014.

  5. Wood AR, et al. Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height. Nature Genetics 46:1173-1186, 2014.

  6. Qi Q, et al. FTO genetic variants, dietary intake and body mass index: insights from 177 330 individuals. Human Molecular Genetics 23:6961-6972, 2014.

  7. Locke AE, et al. Genetic Studies of Body Mass Index Yield New Insights For Obesity Biology. Nature 518:197-206, 2015.

  8. Shungin D, et al. New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution. Nature 518:187-196, 2015.

  9. Pers TH, Karjalainen JM, Chan Y, Westra HJ, Wood AR, Yang J, Lui JC, Vedantam S, Gustafsson S, Esko T, Frayling T, Speliotes EK, Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Boehnke M, Raychaudhuri S, Fehrmann RSN, Hirschhorn, JN, Franke L. Biological interpretation of genome-wide association studies using predicted gene functions. Nature Communications 2015 Jan 19;6:5890. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6890.

  10. Winkler TW, et al. The Influence of Age and Sex on Genetic Associations with Adult Body Size and Shape: a Large-Scale Genome-Wide Interaction Study. PLoS Genetics 11(10):e1005378, 2015.

  11. Lu Y, et al. New loci for body fat percentage reveal link between adiposity and cardiometabolic disease risk. Nature Communications 7:10495 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10495 (2016)

  12. Kilpeläinen TO, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis uncovers novel loci influencing circulating leptin levels. Nature Communications 7:10494 doi: 10.1038/ncommons10494 (2016)

  13. Sung YJ, Pérusse L, Sarzynski M, Fornage M, Sidney S, Sternfeld B, Rice T, Terry J, Jacobs D, Katzmarzyk P, Curran J, Carr J, Blangero J, Ghosh S, Després JP, Rankinen T, Rao DC, Bouchard C. Genome-wide association studies suggest sex-specific loci associated with abdominal and visceral fat. Int J Obes 40:662-74, 2016

  14. Sung YJ, et al. An Empirical Comparison of Joint and Stratified Frameworks for Studying GxE Interactions: Systolic Blood Pressure and Smoking in the CHARGE Gene-Lifestyle Interactions Working Group. Genet Epidemiol 40:404-15, 2016. PMID: PMCID: PMC4911246 DOI: 10.1002/gepi.21978

  15. Ried JS, et al. A principal component meta-analysis on multiple anthropometric traits identifies novel loci for body shape. Nat Commun 7, 13357 doi: 10.1038/ncomms13357 (2016)

  16. Justice AE, et al. Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of 241,258 Adults Accounting for Smoking Behavior Identifies Novel Loci for Obesity Traits. Nature Communications 8, 14977 doi: 10.1038/ncomms14977 (2017)

  17. Sung YJ, et al. A Large-scale multi-ancestry genome-wide study accounting for smoking behavior identifies multiple significant loci for blood pressure. Am J Hum Genet 102:375-400, 2018.

  18. Feitosa MF, et al. Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. PLoS One 13(6):e0198166, 2018.

  19. Bentley AR, et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-smoking interaction study of 387,272 individiuals identifies new loci associated with serum lipids. Nature Genetics 51;636-648, 2019.

  20. de Vries PS, et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of lipid levels incorporating gene-alcohol interactions. Am J Epidemiol 188;1033-54, 2019.

  21. Merin J et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of macronutrient intake of 91,114 European ancestry participants from the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology consortium. Mol Psychiatry 2019; 24(12): 1920-1932.

  22. Sung YJ et al. A multi-ancestry genome-wide study incorporating gene-smoking interactions identifies multiple new loci for pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Hum Mol Genet. 2019;28(15):2615-2633. PMID: 31127295. PMCID: PMC6644157.

  23. Noordam R et al. Multi-ancestry sleep-by-snp interaction analysis in 126,926 individuals reveals lipid loci stratified by sleep duration. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):5121. PMID: PMCID: PMC6851116 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12958-0  

  24. Wu P et al. Smoking-by-genotype interaction in type 2 diabetes risk and fasting glucose. PLoS One. 2020;15(5):e0230815. PMID: 32379818. PMCID: PMC7205201. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230815

  25. De Las Fuentes L et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel blood pressure loci. Mol Psychiatry. 2020. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32372009. PMCID: PMC7641978. doi: 10.1038/s41380-020-0719-3

  26. Wang H et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-sleep interactions identify novel loci for blood pressure. Mol Psychiatry. 2021. PMID: 33859359. doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01087-0

  27. Katz DH et al. Whole Genome Sequence Analysis of the Plasma Proteome in Black Adults. Circulation 2022; 145: 357-370. PMID: 34814699. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055117

  28. Katz DH, Robbins JM, Deng S, Tahir UA, Bick AG, Pampana A, Yu Z, Ngo D, Benson MD, Chen ZZ, Cruz DE, Gao Y, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Correa A, Natarajan P, Wilson JG, Gerszten RE. Proteomic Profiling Platforms Head-to-Head: Leveraging Genetics and Clinical Traits in Human Populations to Compare Aptamer- and Antibody-based Methods. Science Advances 2022; 8: eabm5164. PMID: 35984888 PMCID: PMC9390994 DOI:

  29. Tahir UA, Katz DH, Avila-Pachecho J, Bick AG, Pampana A, Robbins JM, Yu ZY, Chen ZZ, Benson MD, Cruz DE, Ngo D, Deng S, Shi X, Zheng S, Eisman AS, Farrell L, Hall ME, Correa A, Tracy RP, Durda P, Taylor KD, Liu Y, Johnson WC, Guo X, Yao J, Chen YI, Manichaiku AWl, Ruberg FL, Blaner WS, Jain D, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine 1 Consortium, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Wang TJ, Wilson JG, Clish CB, Natarajan P, Gerszten RE. Whole Genome Association Study of the Plasma Metabolome Identifies Novel Metabolites Linked to Cardiometabolic Disease in Black Individuals. Nature Communications 2022; 14: 4923. PMID: 35995766 PMCID: PMC9395431 DOI:

  30. Wang Z et al. Genome-wide association analyses of physical activity and sedentary behavior provide insights into underlying mechanisms and roles in disease prevention. Nature Genetics 2022; 54: 1332-1344. PMID: 36071172. PMCID: PMC9470530 DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01165-1

  31. Benson MD, Eisman AS, [28 more authors], TOPMed Consortium, Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Wang TJ, Wilson JG, Clish CB, Sarkar IN, Natarjan P, Gerszten RE. Protein-Metabolite Association Studies Identify Novel Proteomic Determinants of Metabolite Levels in Human Plasma. Cell Metabolism 2023; 35(9): 1646-1660. PMID: 37582364; PMCID: PMC1111809. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.07.012.

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